Concrete data from abstract concepts
When you're looking at who's going to coordinate your next research project, it pays to look beyond the razzamattaz and focus on the process.
What checks and balances are in place? Is it the right methodology? How do you know if you're asking the right questions? Can the data be trusted? Can it be done in time?
At CanvasU, we don't cut corners on defining or applying our processes: as part of a disciplined strategy, process underpins all we do and lies at the core of our sustained integrity over many years in the industry.
Don't be swayed by shortcuts, unrealistic time promises or the bells and whistles of the latest mobile technology. It's all about balance. At CanvasU we're keen to embrace any technology that improves our efficiency or our service delivery, but adherence to our documented processes is something we'll never skimp on.

It's all about common sense, clear communication and attention to detail.
It's not rocket science.

Ticking all the boxes
As equally critical to CanvasU's service offering as our data collection services is our comprehensive series of process and sense checks that are applied to all projects undertaken at CanvasU. From the initial outline of your project to our delivery of the final data outputs, CanvasU will work to a well-established and highly efficient system of internal and external checks and balances.
Here's what you can expect of our process as it applies to each and every project at CanvasU.
Step by step: our process
Evaluation of the key aims of the study, matched to the type of survey methodology required and within the budget expectations

Develop competitive budget options according to the agreed specifications and methodology
Review and provide informed feedback on the questionnaire
Thorough pre-launch and pilot of survey scripts
Constant monitoring of quotas, schedule, quality checks and updates on the project while in-field
Develop and provide data outputs according to client specifications
Data outputs can be created to suit most client expectations. Standard output options include, but are not limited to SPSS, SPSS Q ready files or Excel.
Requests for data output in alternative formats will be accommodated wherever possible.
It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly. Claude Monet